Market Research
  • Future for Market Research

    Future research one of the leading market research data collection & data processing supplier in the Egypt & North Africa & west Africa  region It has developed a reputation for providing high quality service across a wide cross-section of industries
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    We seek long lasting partnerships that create real value for everyone 
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Data Collection Methodology



Door to Door and Street Intercepts

Central Location Testing

B2B and Consumer Research 

Data Collection Methodology



In-depth interviews

Regular length is of 1 hour. Couple interviews are possible.

Ethnographic Interviews with detailed administration; normally it will be around 3-4 hours. It can be a home-visit or drive along or F2F or shop along etc...

Focus Group
 Discussions The most popular methodology in the region. Their regular length is of 1h 30 to 2 hours. 7-8 respondents usually attend.

Mini groups with 4-5 respondents

Triads with 3 respondents

Home visits
Can easily be arranged even though we would only have access to certain parts of the house .

Video recording may not be possible all the time especially among females and locals due to social and cultural barriers.

Accompanied Shopping

Is possible although often limited to a simple shadowing in the absence of the retailer permission to conduct the study. A detailed accompanied shopping can be conducted if permission is provided by the retailer. Shop along session can be immediately followed by an in-depth interview for deep probing into the shopping behaviour and nuances

Quality control Process 
 Future Market Research 

QC Observations

The designated in-field QC person will be required to accompany the interviewer for a total sum of interviewer’s equivalent to 10% of the total sample allocated to the interviewer. 

The key criteria for the observations are as follows: 

1.Recruitment methodology
2.Administration of questionnaire
3.Length of interview – feedback on the brand list response
4.Level of interviewer professionalism
5.Overview of respondents participation
6.Feedback on the literacy test      

Quota checks

The key criteria for Quota checks are as follows:

User ship
Ethnic group

    Data checks

    The key criteria for Quota checks are as follows:

    1.Date and time of Interview
    2.Respondent details and demographics are complete
    3.That respondent details match the quota requirements (specifically on gender and ethnic group)
    4.Length of interview (too short or too long duration)
    5. Duplication (names, numbers, addresses)
    6.Verbatim/Open-enders are correct and there are no patters

    QC Physical back-checks

    The designated in-field QC person will be required to select respondents using the information from the exported data, equivalent to 10% of the total sample allocated to the interviewer and contact the respondent for a face-to-face validation 

    The key criteria for the physical back-checks are as follows: 

    1.Date, time & duration of interview
    4.Pre-selected practical project specific questions
    5.Interviewer ID card and rating
    6.Additional Comments impacting QC
    7.Consent/ incentive confirmation  

    Telephonic back checks

    The key criteria for the telephonic back-checks are as follows:

    1.Date, time & duration of interview
    4. Pre-selected practical project specific questions
    5.Consent/ incentive confirmation 
    6.Interviewer ID card and rating
    7.Additional Comments impacting QC

    Industry/Sector we cover


    Food & Beverage

    Healthcare /

    FMCG & Retail / Tobacco

    Government,Education & Public Health

    Hygiene & Beauty

    Financial Services

    Technology /Telecoms